File Menu

New: opens a new browser window.

Open Files: opens local HTML files.

Open a link: opens an URL link.

Open Recent: displays the list of recently opened links.

Close: closes the active browser window.

Close All: closes all opened browser windows.

Close All Except the Current: closes all opened browser windows except the active one.

Close Checked: displays the list of opened browser windows and closes all checked windows.

Work Offline: Changes the connection status: offline or online.

Properties: displays the properties of the active browser window.

Page Setup: setups the active browser window for printing.

Print Preview: previews how the active browser window will be printed.

Print: prints the active browser window.

Send a Link: sends the link of the active browser window in an e-mail message.

Import and Export: imports / exports Favorites and Groups.

Save All Opened Pages and Exit: saves links of all opened pages and closes Avant Browser.

Exit: closes Avant Browser.